Click here to download the Somerset CSA Community Support and Individual Authorization Form, instructions and release authorization.
About Core Service Agency (CSA)
The Somerset County Core Service Agency is part of the Somerset Behavioral Health Authority at the Somerset County Health Department in Westover, Maryland.
Core Service Agencies (CSA’s) are the local mental health authorities responsible for planning, managing, and monitoring public mental health services at the local level. CSAs exist under the authority of the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Health and also are agents of the county government, which approve their organizational structure.
The functions of the CSA is to plan, develop, and manage a full range of treatment and rehabilitation services for persons with serious mental illness in their jurisdiction as stipulated by the Health General Article, 10-10-1203, Annotated Code of Maryland.
The CSA is not a service provider but a monitor of the public health system and is there to help people navigate the system to meet their mental health needs.
Additional Responsibilities
The CSA manages “Shelter Plus Care” and “Projects in Assisting with Transitioning from Homelessness” (PATH). Both are federally funded programs targeting the homeless. Additionally, the CSA manages a fund of money provided by MHA which can pay for goods/services for a person in the public mental health system. These goods/services should help the individual remain stable in the community. local county governments, or non-profit organizations, that operates under contract with the State of Maryland’s Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), a division of the Maryland Department of Health (MDH).
Resources (Information/Links/Phone Numbers)
Consumer Support Funds: available to assist mental health consumers of the Public Mental Health System (PMHS) maintain or access community placement (one-time per 12 months). Eligible examples include: security deposit or first month’s rent, utility turn on and/or deposit, past due rent or utility bills, etc. Laboratory Assistance- funds for uninsured consumers of the PMHS for blood tests necessary to monitor psychiatric medications. Pharmacy Assistance- funds for uninsured consumers of the PMHS for psychiatric medications.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): (Wicomico Somerset CISM Team 410-543-6981; after hours emergency 443-614-8682): CISM offers victims, survivors, witnesses, first responders, & caregivers disaster response by offering:. prevention, intervention, and recovery.
- Helpline: (1-800-985-5990)
- Disaster Distress Brochure
Transportation Assistance: provides assistance for uninsured patients of the PMHS and Medical Assistance consumers of the PMHS in need of short term transportation to mental health appointments not covered by medical transport.
Life Crisis and Suicide 24/7 Hot Lines
- 410-749-HELP (4357)
- 1-800-422-0009
PRMC 24/7 Hot Line
- 410-543-7160
Tri County Resource Guide
Contact Information
For more details about the Somerset County Core Service Agency contact Karen Waggoner at 443-523-1786