Consumer Support Funds: available to assist mental health consumers of the Public Mental Health System (PMHS) maintain or access community placement (one-time per 12 months). Eligible examples include security deposit or first month’s rent, utility turn on and/or deposit, past due rent or utility bills, etc.

Laboratory Assistance: funds for uninsured consumers of the PMHS for blood tests necessary to monitor psychiatric medications.

Pharmacy Assistance: funds for uninsured consumers of the PMHS for psychiatric medications.

All applications must be completed by a provider and are subject to evaluation and approval. Incomplete applications will be denied and returned.

Anyone interested in the program should contact their behavioral health provider for a referral. For more information call 443-523-1700. 


Maryland Recovery Net (MDRN) SUD Client Support Services: provides financial assistance to consumers in the Public Behavioral Health System actively receiving substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. The consumer must reside in Somerset County.

The purpose of the Maryland Recovery Net (MDRN) funds is to enable an individual to access or retain community-based SUD services; the funds should be linked to the client’s clinical and/or recovery support plan goals. The consumer must be engaged with the State Care Coordinator from their county of residence. The MDRN SUD Client Support Funds are limited to one-time annual help. The assistance may be used for pharmacy assistance, transportation to SUD-related appointments, obtaining vital documents, medical assistance, and transitional support (including rental and utility assistance).

All applications are subject to evaluation and approval. Incomplete applications will be denied and returned. Anyone interested in the program should contact Somerset County Health Department for a referral. For information call 443-523-1700. 

MDRN Client Support Forms Application

Homeless Identification and Birth Certificate Project: provides funding for birth certificates and/or state identification/driver’s license renewals. To qualify, the individual must be experiencing homelessness or is at imminent risk of becoming homeless and have a mental illness or co-occurring substance use disorder. Minor children in the care of a qualifying adult that meets the homeless and disability criteria are also eligible for birth certificates. Must be completed by a mental health provider or social service organization

All applications are subject to evaluation and approval. Incomplete applications will be denied and returned. Anyone interested in the program should contact the Somerset County Health Department for an application. For information call 443-523-1700. 

Homeless ID Referral Instructions

Homeless ID referral

Continuum of Care Housing (formerly Shelter Plus Care) permanent supportive housing program for homeless PMHS consumers who have a serious mental illness and reside in Somerset County.

Tri-County Alliance for the Homeless Supportive Housing Program This is a supportive housing program serving homeless and disabled residents of Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties, operated by the Somerset County Health Department through grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Program provides housing to eligible participants through ongoing monthly rental assistance and case management to provide service coordination, assist them in obtaining benefits, and assist them in obtaining services and treatment to address their disabilities. 

All applications are subject to evaluation and approval. Self-referrals are not accepted, and incomplete applications will be denied and returned.

Anyone interested in the program should contact the Somerset County Health Department for an application. For information call 443-523-1700. 



landlord survey 

Temporary Cash Assistance: Maryland’s Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program, provides cash assistance to families with dependent children when available resources do not fully address the family’s needs and while preparing program participants for independence through work.

Anyone interested in the program should contact the Somerset County Wellness and Recovery Center for an application. For information call 410-621-5739. 

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