The Youth REACH Count starts today in Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester counties. This important community event brings important resources to youth in need of housing. We’re surveying youth in our 3 counties to help eliminate homelessness for individuals under age 25. Help us REACH our local young people. Every night, thousands of youth are living in cars, vacant building or couch surfing with family or friends. Too many of Maryland’s youth and young adults go it alone to find stable and safe housing. Every young person deserves a safe place to sleep at night. Knowing how many of Maryland’s youth and young adults are in need of safe and reliable housing can improve support. Last year, 2,425 homeless youth were identified through Youth REACH MD Youth Count.
If you are under 25 and struggling with housing, You Count. Take our survey to help build a better support system. You can access the online link at: More information is below on accessing the survey on line. Please help us get out the word!!!!!
2018 Youth REACH MD Electronic Survey Access Instructions
NOTE: The electronic survey is available in English and Spanish too! To select the language for the survey, there is a drop down menu at the top of the survey.
There are 3 methods to access the 2018 Youth REACH MD electronic survey:
- Web Link: Go to in any internet browser
- QR Code:
- Download a QR Code scanner app on your mobile device. You can search for “QR Scanner” in the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store, or if you prefer, you can download these apps to your device here:
- Scan the QR Code below using the app. (Note: this can be copied and printed or added to flyers/posters/etc. too!)
- Once the app has successfully scanned the QR code, it should bring up a link you can click on to go to the survey