Environmental Health reviews and approves properties for the installation of private septic systems and wells in the County. Services include conducting perc tests, determining septic system design requirements, issuing construction permits for private septic systems and wells, inspecting private septic systems and wells, investigating illegal installations of private septic systems and wells, testing private well water, reviewing and approving commercial development and subdivisions.
Information for On-site Sewage Disposal System Property Transfer Inspectors (PTIs)
Registration for Individuals Providing On-site Wastewater Service in Maryland
COVID19 and Septic Systems – What to Know
Well protection in flood prone areas
Do you know what to do to protect your well and your family if you live in a flood prone area? Anyone who lives in a low lying area or near water in our county is susceptible to flooding. Click here for the facts and what you can do.
Perc Tests
A perc (percolation) test is a procedure used to determine the rate at which water or sewage effluent will percolate through the soil. The perc test is only a part of the total lot evaluation used to determine the suitability of a site for on-site sewage disposal. Most lot evaluations in Somerset County are required by Maryland Department of the Environment Regulations to be conducted at the time of the year when the highest water table can be expected. This usually means during February, March, and April, however, monitoring wells are checked weekly to determine the exact testing period. There are a few circumstances that will allow the test to be conducted anytime during the year.
If you are interested in having a perc test, contact us first to ensure that the test can be conducted.